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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

New SINON review from the Czech Republic

Leading Czech crime blog Severskedetektivky has reviewed SINON: 

”SINON is a gripping thriller full of murder, intrigue and lies. The book is packed with huge action scenes and the narrative pace is just deadly. The good guys have become bad and you'll ask yourself, what would you have done in their place? As an example, most of you will be shocked by Mossad agent Rachel Papos behavior, which in the course of the plot turns against her employer. Thanks to this, SINON avoids being a macho story just for the guys. Women and even those who like more subtle plot´s full of intrigue will love the book.

SINON has great potential for filming. The chapters are short, striking and dense, as if the author coined the motto: concise and to the point.

SINON draws you into the story from the very first chapter and forces you to lower your guard.  But before you start reading, discard prejudices and forget about what is morally right for you. This story will convince you that even the most moral person can become a heartless hyena. And accept that you could to … ”

Read full review here

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