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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Guest at "The Morning Studio"

This morning I visited the "The Morning Studio", the national morning news show. We talked about burnt letters, dark web and the new novel.

See full interview here. (starts at 51 min)

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Pearl of the month

The Burnt Letter Society has been awarded "Pearl of the month" at Swedens leading book-retailer, Adlibris.

Read more here.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Actual burnt letter from JAL123

Many readers have written to me, asking for pictures of actual burnt letters.
I have chosen to display one letter from the tragical accident in 1985, when Japan Airlines lost its JAL123 flight on route Osaka. Seven "Ishos" (burnt letters) was found in the wreckage. The letters are on display at the Safety Promotion Center in Tokyo. This specific letter was written on a safety folder.

Visit the Safety center here.

Invited to leading morning show in national radio

Yesterday, I was invited to "Morgonpasset i P3", a national morning show for a somewhat younger audience. We talked about The Burnt Letter Society and the phenomena of letters written in airplanes, during the last minutes before a crash.

Listen to the show here.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Burnt Letters - The second most sold book in Sweden!

Yesterday, the automated chart "Boktoppen", who aggregates all sales-data from book retailers in Sweden, noted that The Burnt Letter Society was the second most sold book in the country, surpassed only by Harry Potter. Tack Sverige!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Interview on Swedish radio

Interviewed on Swedish national radio about The Burnt Letter Society.

Listen here.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Interview in Swedens leading morning show

Yesterday, I was interviewed in TV4´s Nyhetsmorgon, the leading morning show in Sweden.
View clip here.

Burnt Letter no 1 on Swedish Adlibris and Bokus

The Burnt Letter Society went straight to the top at the two leading online book retailers in Sweden,  Adlibris and Bokus.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sinon back on the Japanese charts

Another publisher has realized the "foresighted" narrative in SINON, with a Corona pandemic outbreak. SINON is back on the Japanese charts.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Re-launch due to Covid19

Many publishers are now re-launching MONA and SINON because of the Corona crisis. Storytell has made new covers for both books and are currently re-launching on major plattforms.

Listen to the Swedish diptych here.  

Sunday, March 15, 2020


Several readers have contacted me regarding my second novel, SINON, which is partly about Ncolv, a lethal corona like virus spreading throughout the world. Yes, there is a certain resemblance with today's virus, but there are also many differences. Novel Corona Like Virus, the virus in the novell, is a hybrid between several different strains, and significantly more dangerous than COVID 19. But, it is obviously uncomfortable that a book written five years ago comes so close to real events. However, the mortality ratio for COVID 19 is fairly low and if we accept our individual responsibilities, we can limit the spread and give medical care a chance to catch up. Keep your distance and be careful about hygiene. If you feel unwell, in any way, stay home and read a book.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Date set for Swedens publication of "BLS"

From the 4th of May, The Burnt Letter Society will be available in Swedish bookstores. However, it may be pre-booked today at all online resellers:


I have edited the manuscript for half a year, resulting in an alternative ending, an overall higher pace and increased suspense. Can't wait to ger your reactions.