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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New version of MONA movie script

Script writer Max Borenstein just sent me the latest version of the MONA screenplay. After my first read-through, I see some great opportunities for a different and truly suspenseful thriller.

Risky business

The devil is in the detail and therefore, extensive research is crucial. In SINON, the super virus NCoLV starts to spread. NCoLV is the biological mutation of the MONA computer virus and high security laboratory Cryonordic is working around the clock trying to find a vaccine.

What are the procedures when dealing with highly pathogenic viruses? What routines is there in a BLS 4 environments, i.e. the highest bio safety level? There is only one way to find out: suit up!

MONA cover for England and Australia released

My Australian/UK publisher, Scribe has just presented the cover. Very creative and sophisticated. True art!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

More incoming reviews

”The thriller of the year!"

”Dan T. Sehlberg is a fabulously skilled writer who delivers one of the best surprises in the suspense genre this year.”
Weekend Avisen 

"Svensk thriller bjuder på en överdådig anrättning där inget från spänningslitteraturen och angränsande genrer saknas"

Storytel produces audio version of MONA

Top-notch acter Martin Wallström (EGO, Snabba Cash, I rymden finns inga känslor) reads MONA for audio.